Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University

Pathology Core Facility (PCF)

Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University

Histology Lab

Histology Lab

Bernice Frederick, HTL (ASCP)
Senior Research Technologist
Lab: 312.908.5546

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The PCF Histology Laboratory offers expertise in processing and staining tissues. Tissue slides are prepared for analysis and for confirming diagnosis of pathologic conditions to support investigators in their studies. The facility offers standard H&E or other specific tissue staining upon request. Extensively trained technicians can provide paraffin embedded sections or frozen sections for the best histochemistry and immunohistochemistry results.

Our routine work at PCF histology Lab starts with processing tissue received in formalin or other fixatives. As a next step, we process fixed tissue by embedding it in paraffin as blocks. Once the paraffin blocks are ready, we section the tissues and place each section on slides (thickness assigned by requester). At this intersection, either we complete your project and send the slides back to you or upon your request we can continue for further staining (routine H&E, histochemical stains or IHC). In addition, we also cut and stain fresh or snap frozen tissues and treat them depending on your project guidelines. All materials are returned to the requesting lab once the project is completed.

See also TMA.

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Pathology Core Facility
of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center
Northwestern University
Olson Pavillion, 710 North Fairbanks Court, Chicago
8th Floor, Room 8-419
FAX: 312.503.1148

© 2015 Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center