Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University

Pathology Core Facility (PCF)

Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University

Microscopy Lab

Microscopy Lab

Demirkan B. Gürsel, MSc, PhD
Scientific Director of the Pathology Core Facility
Office: 312.503.0324

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The review process has been enhanced and standardized. As first level check, the technicians examine the results microscopically, and check against a set of control slides as detailed in specific SOPs. The slides are then reviewed in real time by the Research Associate and Scientific Director, who are aware of specific scientific goals of the project, and is competent to evaluate the results. If satisfactory, the slides are batched, and presented for review to the Director. Dr. Wei has extensive experience with interpreting the results of routine and special histology, IHC and molecular assays in both the clinical and research settings.

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SUSD3 mRNA Insitu Hybridization in tumor and benign breast tissue (20X)
  1. NDP Analyze: Chromogranin cytoplasmic evaluation in pancreatic islet cells (20X)
  2. Urothelial carcinoma: Nuclear density calculation
  3. Canine myocardial fibrosis evaluation (0.5X) by Matlab

Pathology Core Facility
of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center
Northwestern University
Olson Pavillion, 710 North Fairbanks Court, Chicago
8th Floor, Room 8-419
FAX: 312.503.1148

© 2015 Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center