Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University

Pathology Core Facility (PCF)

Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University

Histology Lab

Histology Lab - TMA

Demirkan Gürsel, MSc, PhD
Scientific Director
Lab: 312.503.0324

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Tissue microarray (TMA) technology allows for the efficient analysis of tissue from many samples. Different size diameter cores of tissue from over one hundred tissue samples can be placed into an array and slide-based assays can be performed on this single block. This is powerful, state-of-the-art technology that allows evaluation of many tissues on a single slide while minimizing issues of variability.

TMA procedures at PCF can be done on the semi-automatic Veridiam Tissue Microarrayer VTA-100 or the Manual Tissue Arrayer by Beecher Instruments MTA-1 to create tissue microarray blocks. TMA is a technology which facilitates research by permitting the collection of biological specimens (primarily tissues) representing many patients without requiring a great deal of storage space. TMA facilities comparison of the histological characteristics of different patients' pathologies by placing many different cores of tissue together on the same TMA block, and then sectioning for microscopic slide evaluation. The TMA block, depending of the diameter size, can have in it up to couple hundreds cores. A corresponding map records each cores location in the grid and the information connected with it in an Excel sheet. The array sections can be used for all histological staining, including Hematoxylin & Eosin (H&E), Immunohistochemistry (IHC), and In situ hybridization (ISH).

See also Histology Lab.

Available TMA Creation Types

Category-I Control TMA Tissue Blocks

Normal human TMA tissue blocks created at 2mm and two cores per organ:
TMA-1 GI Esophagus, Stomach, Small bowel, Colon, Pancreas, Liver, Gall bladder and Appendix
TMA-2 Women ReproductiveBreast, Uterus, Ovary, Cervix, Placenta, and Fallopian tube
TMA-3 Male Reproductive Prostate, Kidney, Testis, Adrenal, and Urinary Bladder
TMA-4 Systemic Organs Lung, Skeletal Muscle, Heart, Skin, Thyroid, Parotid, Thymus, Tonsil, Lymph Node
TMA-5 Systemic Organs Skeletal Muscle, Brain Cortex, Skin, Fat, Brain Cerebellum, Cartilage, Bone, Nerve, Smooth Muscle

Category-II Control TMA Tissue Blocks

Normal and Tumor Human tissue blocks for IHC created at 2mm and one core but 10 different cases:
TMA-1 Normal Breast 10 different cases
  Ductal carcinoma 10 different cases
  Lobular carcinoma 10 different cases
TMA-2 Normal prostate 10 different cases
  High grade Tumor Prostate 10 different cases
  Low grade Tumor Prostate 10 different cases
TMA-3 Normal Colon 10 different cases
  Tumor Colon 10 different cases
  Normal Pancreas 10 different cases
Tumor Pancreas (here we have only 5 since oct 2014)
TMA-4 Normal Endometrium 10 different cases
  Tumor Endometrium 10 different cases
  Normal Fallopian Tube 10 different cases
  High Grade Serous Ovary 10 different cases
TMA-5 Normal Lung 10 different cases
  Adenocarcinoma Lung 10 different cases
  Squamous Lung 10 different cases
TMA- 6 Brain: Meningioma 2 cases, Neuroblastoma 1 cases, Glioblastoma 2 case,
  Brain: Astrocytoma 2 cases, Oligoastrocytoma 2cases, Anaplastic Astrocytoma 2 cases
  Brain: Schwannoma 1 case, Cerebellum 2 cases, Cortex 2 cases, Pituitary 1 case
  Brain: Adenoca Breast 1 case, NeuroEndocrine Colon 1 case, Mening. Anaplastic 1 case
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Pathology Core Facility
of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center
Northwestern University
Olson Pavillion, 710 North Fairbanks Court, Chicago
8th Floor, Room 8-419
FAX: 312.503.1148

© 2015 Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center