Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University

Pathology Core Facility (PCF)

Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University

Our requisition form can be downloaded here,
filled out in advance, and brought with you along with your project.


It can be filled out in person when you bring your project to the lab.
This works best if you have any questions or if discussion about your project is needed.

Note: if you need to request specimen and/or data from our biorepository,
please use Disburser instead of the service requisition form available above.

Form Instructions

The top third of the requisition is very important to us. We need to know about you! We will need the first and last name of the PI as well as the requestors. We absolutely must have the chartstring number. This is the account to which the work we are doing will be billed. Your department administrator will have this info if you don't already know it. We'd like to be able to get in touch with you, so please give us your phone number, pager number (if you have one) and an e-mail address. We'd like to know where you are bringing your project from so please let us know your department.

The middle of the requisition is important as well. It should be totally filled out. Species is important, especially if you need IHC.

The bottom of the first page is to list the identifiers for the tissue or blocks you are bringing in. If you have more than 10, we'd like a typed list as well as an e-mailed list. This helps us when we enter projects into our database.

On the second page of the requisition is where you will be telling us what you need us to do with your project. This is usually where questions and discussion may take place so you may want to fill it out when you get it here. If not, let us know how many unstained slides you would like (per block) as well as H&E's. 4um is the routine section thickness. Underneath this are lines for requesting a special stain, IHC or something else you may need us to do.

If you would like any form of microscopy analysis, including slide scanning, this part of the requisition is on page three. This may require further discussion with Vamsi Parini should you need these services.

Drop Off Instructions

Please bring your project to Histology Lab in room 8421 of the Pathology Core Facility on the 8th floor of Olson Pavilion (710 N Fairbanks Ct, Chicago) during regular business hours, 8 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday.

If you have any questions please contact us at 312.908.5546.

See also: full pricing list

Pathology Core Facility
of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center
Northwestern University
Olson Pavillion, 710 North Fairbanks Court, Chicago
8th Floor, Room 8-419
FAX: 312.503.1148

© 2015 Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center